I 20-4

Technical Specifications
  Type  Width (cm)     Thickness (mm)
I 20-4  20        4

It is used in high or low water pressured contraction joints. Usually raft construction, raft construction to retaining wall and retaining wall to retaining structures can be the example applications areas of this tape. They are produced in various widths and lengths of 20 meters. It is referred to as I 25/5 ve I 20/4.


I 20-4

Technical Specifications
  Type  Width (cm)     Thickness (mm)
I 20-4  20        4

It is used in high or low water pressured contraction joints. Usually raft construction, raft construction to retaining wall and retaining wall to retaining structures can be the example applications areas of this tape. They are produced in various widths and lengths of 20 meters. It is referred to as I 25/5 ve I 20/4.


I 20-4

Technical Specifications
  Type  Width (cm)     Thickness (mm)
I 20-4  20        4

It is used in high or low water pressured contraction joints. Usually raft construction, raft construction to retaining wall and retaining wall to retaining structures can be the example applications areas of this tape. They are produced in various widths and lengths of 20 meters. It is referred to as I 25/5 ve I 20/4.


I 20-4

Technical Specifications
  Type  Width (cm)     Thickness (mm)
I 20-4  20        4

It is used in high or low water pressured contraction joints. Usually raft construction, raft construction to retaining wall and retaining wall to retaining structures can be the example applications areas of this tape. They are produced in various widths and lengths of 20 meters. It is referred to as I 25/5 ve I 20/4.